Participation Release & Waiver 

I hereby certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the participant. I give permission for  CTA to provide appropriate medical attention in the event of accident, injury, or illness. I will be responsible for any and all costs of medical attention and treatment.  Accordingly, my child and his/her parents/guardians  release and agree not to sue Edinburgh Subdivision, Champ Tennis Academy related to the sports camp. There will be no refunds given after May 15, 2024 for summer camps. We will allow a transfer to another student/ change camp week.

2025 Camp Details:
9-12pm Drills 1-6 Ratio 12-1 Lunch 1-3 Live Ball
All level player's welcome & Ages 6-18 years old 

$235.00 per week Edinburgh Residents​
$250.00 per week Non-Edinburgh Residents
​Evaluation, T-shirt, UTR Matches & Fitness.

To register fill out form + submit payment.
Registration is not complete until payment.

All Camp Registrations Must be paid by May 15th

VENMO- @champtennisacademy